
Hello my readers 😚 I’ve been kind of m.i.a lately. I miss blogging I just can never seem to find the time to do so anymore. But, Every Sunday after this Sunday I’m going to blog. 


KIDS: My babies turned 4 & 5 last month. They refuse to stop growing. One of them started kindergarten & the other started pre-k. My youngest is upset that they attend different schools. He said his school is for little people, he’s big & want to go to big people school with his brother. 

HUSBAND: He’s an owl now…sleeps during the day & up all night. New job, New schedule, & it’s game season.  

MYSELF: I started my fall semester, I’m taking 6 classes this time& I switched my major again. ( good thing all the classes I’ve already took Are the classes I need for my new major as well.) I have not done yoga in about 5weeks now😒 anatomy is kicking my ass. Staying up on my kids work & my work. Volunteering at both of their schools, being a wife, trying to find time to go on a vacation & I’ve gained about 6lbs. 

We’re all adapting to changes. But we’re great! Write you guys sunday, next sunday😊😚

Seeing the movie “IT’ today 🎈

Author: DoraDoressa

23, mom, wife, student, yoga

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